About Dirty Rumors
Can this rugged mountain man mechanic win the heart of a girl who refuses to date?
When your name is Carson Dirty, you’ve heard all of the jokes. One of those Dirty Boys – eye roll.
The feelings I have from the second I meet Nikki are no joke. But this curvy, gorgeous goddess says she doesn’t date.
So I walk away, letting her know that I’ll respect her space. Sure, we hang out and I help her with her weird group project. Even if it means she’s prying into my family’s business.
Once Nikki experiences the incredible heat we generate together, she drops her rule. But there’s still a big jump from dating to forever. Especially when she hears odd things about my Grandpa. And me.
She’s the woman I’ve been dreaming of. How can I convince her I’ll be her dream man, no matter what it takes?
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Haley Travis loves writing steamy stories about quirky girls who are looking to break out of their shells. They tend to meet huge alpha men who are instantly obsessed. A little friction, a LOT of steam, and plenty of laughter, these books are addictive and adorable escapes from reality.